Amazing, as always!

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Incredibly well done, I feel like I want to buy the movie Once you have it made, and I need a nap now because of yet another damn Cliffhanger I've got to wait more time than I want to to get closure from :)

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Thanks Dave! I hope this frustration means that you're enjoying my future page turner. I hope it's a book people want to devour. At least I know you wouldn't be able to put it down. 🤣🤣🤣

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You're going to need to make an audio book?Because I can't read remember question mark ha ha

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Oh dear I keep forgetting that... I am afraid you're going to have to wait a while before I have bandwidth to do audiobook, but it's definitely there on my to do list for the future.

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The way you publish now is fine because my gadgets allow me to highlight text and read it back in my headphones but when you go to print with a complete intact book I won't be able to turn any pages... And Kindle that I know of doesn't have any way to highlight text and read it back in my headphones so everything is fine for now as you publish this way :)

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Well, I'm glad you're still able to enjoy it. I'm still completely happy here and don't plan on changing my medium any time soon. But if I ever do do a hard copy, I won't be stopping there. The plan (in no concrete terms) so far is to re-release it at in audio format after I've finished the text version.

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You Can Count On Me to follow along until you are finished whatever the memes necessary to " read" your work :)

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Apr 19Liked by Jenny Homan

Aah Jenny it was so good and then IT ENDED! best / worst cliffhanger so far!

I like the multi-reveals that you dropped here, especially amping up the powers that Luke, Logan and Tom have available. Approaching superhero team abilities! Works great in this fantasy space opera epic!

Item for discussion maybe - I'm just wondering though if you can pull any more rabbits out of your hat like this to solve a problem down the road without dulling the effect.

I really like way this scene flowed, short though it was. I am anxious for it to continue!

Now, yes I remember Kelly's Heroes, but the song didn't stick unfortunately. It is a good upbeat song and I can see why it was on your mind with this scene! It was all in or nothing!

My extraneous thought about Kelly's Heroes is it was an attempt to capitalize on the earlier Dirty Dozen but with more comedy to remove the gritty, dirty edge and make war movies fun again. Ha, ha...

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Ah, Frank! Good to see you're still keeping up with your late night reading. And if you think this is a bad cliffhanger, you ain't seen nothing yet. You're going to LoVe/HaTe Tuesday's episode so much. Sorry, not sorry about that. 😈 I need invested readers. And this is the only way I know how!

So you say I've given away the game by letting the boys go all out here huh? Well, you haven't seen what they can do with those powers yet have you? Only what they look like and only in a limited capacity. Just saying, don't get ahead of yourself just yet. I'm not done with this saga.

I don't remember Kelly's Heroes much. I was very little still when brother dearest was obsessed, but the song and its meanings stuck, I am glad though that someone does remember. I do not know quite what you mean by the earlier Dirty Dozen movie. I'd have to look it up to say whether or not I agree. But I do/did enjoy war movies, back when movies or TV really was my primary source of entertainment. These days I'm lucky to watch an hour or two a week. Or rather I don't make time to watch unless there's something ReAlLy good I'm itching to see. I'd much rather spend my limited free time writing or thinking about writing or reading.

I am also doubly glad to see you anxious for this chapter to continue. I promise Tuesday's post should answer a lot of your burning questions. And thanks so much for that one line description. I think I really like "fantasy space opera epic" and will definitely be stealing it to use in future. Thanks so much for reading Frank, and as always, I can't wait to see what you think of the next one. 🥰

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Apr 19Liked by Jenny Homan

Now my expectations are at another level! Your fault, lol! Thanks Jenny

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What ever will Elle do? Will she go with the boys or stay with the bullies?

It's getting good.

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This is exactly the question you should be asking my dear JW! I'm glad to see I'm leading you in the right direction. Tuesday will hopefully provide you with an answer. As always, I look forward to your thoughts. 😁

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