Goodness me! It's taken me ages to work my way around to this. Sorry, I'm about two thirds of the way through my 468 unread emails... But you are most welcome, and I look forward to your future offerings.
And Luke is back and seems like Logan is off the hook... and.......... waiting........
and Luke's not talking.... and Logan's getting desperate cause he is shut out by everyone! ...and Showdown at the OK Corral 🤠! with a few tidbits revealed,... and the smoke clears as Luke says "Okay!". So, it seems Luke and Logan are about to retire to a safe location to have a BIG reveal of what Luke saw in Jenina's (aka Elle's or Misty's) head! This leads to questions swirling in my head... We haven't seen anything of Tom in this scene, will he be privy to what Luke is prepared to share? You seem to say no in the teaser for the next scenes? And is Jenina aware that Luke is back, I can't imagine that she has not detected his presence? Is Luke hiding the information he has from her, as much as not letting the PG know he has shared it with Logan and maybe Tom? It's a good place to put a cliff Jenny, after a bit of a tease getting here, lol!
Well that was worth the wait! You ask a lot of questions. You make so many great observations (as usual) and this is SOOoo hard for me, but 🤐🔒 and throw away the key. You'll have to tune in Friday to find out. And it's a special edition too... Now there's a tease for you. 😏😉
Oh 😱 Jenny! You tease me, tease you gonna please me...?
Hopefully that doesn't cross any line... I couldn't help myself because I just love this story and the imagination that creates it...but I hate the idea that this story has to have an end sometime...
Well, I've got a bit of explaining to do regarding that. And I know it might be a little confusing, but bear with me. I'm working up to something. It'll all make sense very soon.
Much obliged for the shoutout! I hope I can continue writing the new fantasy stories for my Substack, and I promise to post more Vasilisa too :D
Goodness me! It's taken me ages to work my way around to this. Sorry, I'm about two thirds of the way through my 468 unread emails... But you are most welcome, and I look forward to your future offerings.
Aha! Oh boy! ...and I will read as soon as I can dedicate some time a little later today!
Ok, sorry I'm running behind here...
And Luke is back and seems like Logan is off the hook... and.......... waiting........
and Luke's not talking.... and Logan's getting desperate cause he is shut out by everyone! ...and Showdown at the OK Corral 🤠! with a few tidbits revealed,... and the smoke clears as Luke says "Okay!". So, it seems Luke and Logan are about to retire to a safe location to have a BIG reveal of what Luke saw in Jenina's (aka Elle's or Misty's) head! This leads to questions swirling in my head... We haven't seen anything of Tom in this scene, will he be privy to what Luke is prepared to share? You seem to say no in the teaser for the next scenes? And is Jenina aware that Luke is back, I can't imagine that she has not detected his presence? Is Luke hiding the information he has from her, as much as not letting the PG know he has shared it with Logan and maybe Tom? It's a good place to put a cliff Jenny, after a bit of a tease getting here, lol!
Well that was worth the wait! You ask a lot of questions. You make so many great observations (as usual) and this is SOOoo hard for me, but 🤐🔒 and throw away the key. You'll have to tune in Friday to find out. And it's a special edition too... Now there's a tease for you. 😏😉
Oh 😱 Jenny! You tease me, tease you gonna please me...?
Hopefully that doesn't cross any line... I couldn't help myself because I just love this story and the imagination that creates it...but I hate the idea that this story has to have an end sometime...
Don't worry Frank, we have a long way to go still. We are barely half way now.
Crystelle was the Princess, right. (Starts going back through the story.)
Janina. Wow.
I remember Misty, but don't remember reading about Janine.
Great job.
Well, I've got a bit of explaining to do regarding that. And I know it might be a little confusing, but bear with me. I'm working up to something. It'll all make sense very soon.
It's cool. I was just trying to remember if she had been mentioned.